Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Bits n bobs

When creating my billboard Advertisement i found a sketch that i did in my first year of college, which is of a fashion model wearing a dress with a design on it that i drew from my inspiration of lowry's cubism techniques. This gave me an idea of Advertising an online store for products such as clothes, music, food and other luxuries.
I have found out that keeping all of my old work does come in handy when proffessionalising yourself, also these small sketches help me find out how much my perception on influencial drawing has changed due to university.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Promotional pages

As of today i don't care what anyone in my class has to say about my work due to stupid comments about my background on my portfolio pages and not my rebranding i feel that the lesson today was a waste of time for feedback on my promotional work and now i don't know how i can make this better.
Well ill try again, heres my work tell me what you think about my Promotional work NOT MY BACKGROUND!!

Billboard Design
Letterhead and Web Banner

Business card and Gift bag